import java.util.*; import*; import*; // // Network combination of feeding stuff to the show screen // public class Stacker extends Thread{ Global global; Thread thread; public Stacker (Global glbl){ global=glbl; this.start(); } public void run(){ String s; String send=""; boolean ok=true; String result=""; String part1="";; String part2=""; String part3=""; String token; String line; String g=""; String c,r; int img=0; int pos=0; StringTokenizer sn; int room; try{ while(ok){ if(!global.ReadStack.isEmpty()){ line=global.ReadStack.pop(); //System.out.println("Stacker : line ["+line+"]"); if(line.indexOf("-10") == 0){;; } // if -10 }// ReadStack ! empty } // while ok try{ thread.sleep(100); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Error sleeping in Thread Stacker :"+e.toString()); } //catch sleep }catch(Exception oo){ // Every other exception ... System.out.println("Exception in Stacker run: "+oo.toString()); } } }