New elephant which will hopefully get a better drinking animation. The model was changed to accommodate the drinking.
Need to be put in the game but that requires a shift in position towards the hole/water.
On my holliday I've drawn 73 marbles and 66 small trees.
In September I was making a seperate Demo game for the Marble part of Mazeland.
In Mazeland you can earn marbles when solving the puzzles.
You can play a marble game in mazeland where you have to put (5) marbles in a hole.
Maybe a high-score or a (turn-based) multiplayer aspect .. we will see
These are 'just' 53 marbles to start testing the physics engine:
Another go for different rocks
Smooth pushing IS possible, but I've to rewrite a lot of stuff again !!!
Using GreenSock Animation Platform, which gives me more control over the animations.
But it is actually a viewport issue that is causing the bad push effects ...
Water and Hole Demo
Make the 'default' rocks (rock.png, rock02.png, rock0x.png lighter and semi-transparent pixel at the base
Different rocks
This month I've been working on the Engine and an Editor.
The results of the LD55 came in and I rated 202th place on Audio. So that investigation time 'paid' out since it was the highest ranking I ever had on audio.
Graphics is a little better and overallit was the highest place I've got : 258th place(from 462).
Starting to work on rewriting engine.
Benchmarked the earlier assumption on animations on iPad1
Benchmark DOM versus Canvas
In April I entered the Ludum Dare 55 compo.
I wanted to use the current state of the game engine to see if it was ready for making games
Also, I wanted to test the multiplayer code
Ludum Dare 55 : Summoning Elements
What I've learned:
The game engine did not scale well. On laptop screens the lower part of the screen was not visible.
Pushing buttons conflicted with the game state where the mouse events where made for game-states and not for menu-states
Multiplayer was way too slow when more than 2 concurrent players where active
Luckily some twitch streamer wanted to play the game while some other players where watching the stream.
We ended up with 4 people online and it wasn't responsive anymore
The engine needs a rewrite to handle all devices and scaling
New approach to multiplayer will be a focus on a moveable area where others can't come into the area and your input can be done without server interaction.
April was used to prepare for Ludum Dare by constructing light-weight-client server code to be used in LD
Also investigating MIDI and learning some music theory
When switching players we show a menu where the switchingplayer in appears.
Attempt to make the player character stand out better. Using borders:
I find without still better:
Currently I'm deciding on switching by mouse and zooming using a zoom-bar.
This needs to be extensively tested during game-play.
The switching between characters needs a smooth transition.
Starting in 2023 I've worked on zooming code : worldview display.
The player is fixed on the screen and all the objects are moving ' with ' the player
Also, switching between the different characters and introducing the characters is very important.
If you have a large overview of the level you don't realize what the different characters are. The zooming will help with that
Also a Javascript rewrite was needed since the pushing animations needed more pixels to overlap the pushed object.
Just adjusting the sprite with extra pixels gave a glitch on the world view.
Because we will zoom we need better resolution for the images.
I had 96x96 images and I need to re-scan all the images to match 256x256 pixels.
Initial zoom demonstration
And a better pushing in zoom-state (the previous version had more pushing pixels in larger zoom states)